Art - Terrariums 101

Who doesn’t love spring? Budding trees, grass turning green,
flowers blooming. Everything is fresh and colorful again.
And we wanted to find a way to capture it —
inside a cute little mason jar of course — so we created this
little DIY tips to get you going.

Step 1: What you'll need
Mason jar with ventilated lid
Potting soil
Wire cutter
Polymer clay (we used pastel colors for spring)

Step 2: Clay Decorations
Start by making the clay decorations that will live inside
your terrarium. We made mushrooms, Easter eggs, and
a bunny, but the possibilities are endless.
Mushrooms: Roll out the stem using the white polymer clay.
Taper it by making the top part slightly thinner.

Step 3: Easter Eggs
Choose a polymer clay color and roll into an egg shape.
Using a different color clay, roll mini balls and add dots to egg.
Or you can choose two colors and combine them to create a
multicolored egg. Insert your wire into the bottom of the and
through the center.

Step 4: Bake
Place clay decor onto a baking sheet and bake at 105 degrees
celsius for 20 minutes. Let cool for 30 minutes before
trimming the wire and inserting into your terrarium.

Step 5: Building your Terrarium
To make your terrarium, begin by filling the bottom of the jar
with the soil. Add the moss on top of the soil, and then the
pumice rocks. Take your clay decor and trim any excess wire
down to half an inch. Insert each piece into the soil.
And finally you’re done!

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